President Harold Gillim (WE4G) called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

The minutes of the January 7, 2003 meeting were read by Secretary Jim Mason (KG4RCX) and approved as read.

A photographer from the Hancock Clarion was present and took a photo for publication in the newspaper.

Treasurer Gerald Basham (KG4SQD) reported that he had inquired at all of the local banks about opening an account for the club. He said that he had compared the various fees and that South Central Bank at Lewisport had the best plan, which were no fees as long as the club maintained a minimum balance of $100.

Treasurer Basham made a motion that the club use South Central Bank as its depository. Vice-president Paul Vaughn (KF4ACQ) seconded the motion. The motion passed with one dissenting vote.

Ray Patton (N4RLU), the chairman of the Communications Committee reported on the committee's recommendation regarding the repeater equipment available from Don Frakes (K4DC) in Lewisport. A list of equipment that would be included in the purchase of the repeater was provided by the committee and is attached to these minutes for reference.

Patton made a motion that the club recommend to the Hancock County EMA Director Jim Inman that his office purchase the repeater owned by Don Frakes (K4DC) for $1700 as well as a HF antenna that could be installed on the tower in Hawesville at the same time that the repeater antenna was installed. The motion was seconded by Paul Vaughn and passed without dissension.

It was noted that Ohio Valley Communications will handle normal maintenance on the repeater equipment, and that the Communications Committee will be responsible for minor maintenance as needed.

President Gillim asked Patton to prepare a written recommendation to Director Jim Inman on behalf of the club that would be signed by the members of the Communications Committee and the club president.

There was some discussion regarding sharing the use of the repeater with Cannelton in the event that the Cannelton machine was down. No motions were made regarding sharing the repeater.

President Gillim announced that license testing would be conducted on February 8 at the Elizabeth Munday Center in Owensboro beginning at 9:00 a.m.

There was a brief discussion on the club applying for a call sign. John Payne (N4COT) agreed to check into the requirements and procedure for obtaining a call sign for the club.

There was a discussion on the 2003 Field Day, which will be conducted on June 28, & 29. Vice-president Vaughn offered the use of the field in front of the Church of Christ as a location for Field Day set up. President Gillim asked Vaughn to check on the requirements for holding a Field Day.

There was some discussion on having a newsletter for the club members. Secretary Mason said that if the club obtained a call sign of its own, he would build a web site to which the members and other interested people could go to keep up with the club's activities. Mason also said that in the meantime, the club members could be notified by e-mail of announcements and other news.

President Gillim announced that he would begin holding a weekly net on frequency 145.130 on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. He will be the control operator for the net, but he said that he would gladly share that duty with anyone else that would like to do it.

Treasurer Basham was authorized to rent a post office box in order that the club could have a permanent mailing address. So that the club's bank balance would not fall below the minimum balance of $100, the members present contributed enough money to rent the box.

President Gillim announced that the National Weather Service would be offering Weather Spotter classes at Calhoun in McLean County on February 13th and also in Beaver Dam in Ohio County on March 10th. He also said that he would like to conduct ARES training at each club meeting that would last from 15 to 20 minutes.

The club expressed its appreciation to Ricki Vaughn, wife of Vice-President Paul, for providing a delicious cake for the members' refreshments.

President Gillim adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:00 p.m.

Jim Mason, Secretary